Blog / groom

Don’t get broke after your wedding

Weddings can be very expensive. So if you do not want to be broke after your wedding, then you will need to plan ahead and prepare a budget. Wedding venues are quite expensive. Even if you choose the church as your venue, you will have to shell out quite a sum for the entire day. Private venues will ask for a deposit. It will be best if you can get married in your backyard or maybe on the beach. This way, you can save a lot of money on venue cost. For floral arrangements, you can choose seasonal flowers so that they do not charge you a bomb. Wedding photographers charge a lot of money. But you cannot do away with wedding photographs. It is best to request a relative or a friend to help you click photographs. You can also divide the task among more than one people. Now let’s come to your wedding gown. You can get very good wedding gowns at extremely reasonable prices at factory outlets. You can also try shopping online. You can have a simple menu for the guests but do not compromise on the quality of the food. That will not be taken in too well by the guests.
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Wedding Responsibilities

The groom usually chooses a few men who he can trust for taking care that everything goes well on the D day. He usually chooses his close friends, colleagues and family members. Once he chooses who to pick, he divides the duties among them. This way, every person gets a specific task list and there is no chaos. The best man has the most crucial role to play. He has the most responsibilities. He needs to see to it that everything goes well. He is also responsible for arranging the bachelor party. He is responsible for arranging for the travel of both the bride and the groom. He is also responsible for supervising the ushers and other grooms men. He takes care of the ring and the wedding license before the ceremony. He needs to see that everything goes well and the party is going on smoothly. The other groomsmen and the ushers are responsible for the hospitability. They need to make sure that the guests are seated and they are comfortable. They need to unroll the aisle runner before the bride enters. They need to ensure nobody is left behind from the reception. They are also expected to introduce guests to each other.
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Avoid injuries before wedding

You might feel that you desperately need to lose some weight before marriage. So you join the gym and set out on an ambitious exercise plan. But you must not rush into anything so fast. If you embark on a rigorous exercise routine, then chances are that you might get injured. And injury is something that you will not want to have before your special day. If you have some knee or back problem, then you must let your instructor know about it. There is no point trying to be a super woman. Your trainer needs to tailor made the program for you. Women are at greater tendency for ACL injuries. The ACL is the ligament that is responsible for holding the knee bone in place. Thus, you will need to be extremely careful. It is better not to be too ambitious. You need not prove anything to anyone. You must chalk out a routine that is not too taxing on you. You also need to keep your age and physical form in mind. If you have a high target to reach, it is better to start out ahead of time. Try and control your diet too. This way, you will not have to depend totally on your exercise.
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Stress free wedding

It may be easier said than done but you need to avoid stress at all costs on your wedding. You cannot control everything. So it is better to let things take its own course. The best you can do is to pre plan as much as possible. Make sure that you have started planning for your wedding at least three to four months before hand. You must jot down every small detail in pen and paper. Make sure you have a checklist ready and you tick off the items that you complete. Choose your vendors wisely and have all the agreement in writing. Brief them about what you want before hand. Avoid making any last minute changes. You can even call up the vendors a week before your wedding to make sure that everything is fine. Keep reliable attendants to take care of the arrangements at your wedding. Divide the tasks before hand and give them a checklist they can follow. This way, you will not have to bother about the intricate details. Do not skip food on your wedding day. That is the biggest mistake you can commit. Empty stomach stresses you more. Above all stay happy as that is something that should come naturally to you on that day.
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The Pre-Nuptial Agreement

No matter how rude it may seem, prenuptial agreements are as important as the wedding itself. Prenuptial agreements are good financial planning tools. The agreement is actually binding contract between the couple about to be married. They decide on what their legal relationship will be if there is a divorce. This kind of an agreement prevents the couple from getting into expensive legal battles if there is a divorce later. A prenup helps couple decide before hand, how their property will be defined after wedding. You need to hire two lawyers one for both of you. It is better that you do not share a lawyer. The prenup agreement is usually made by people who have children from previous marriages. This way, the partner can ensure that if he or she dies, then the children are not deprived from the property. You must not force your partner to get into a prenup agreement. It must be done on good faith. It needs to be a joint decision. It is better if the legal formalities are completed some days before the wedding. You would not want to spoil your excitement by getting into legalities close to your special day. The agreement need to be signed in front of a notary public.
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Planning your wedding well

A wedding is the most special occasion of your life. The most important part of a wedding lies in its planning. Here are some tips to plan a wedding. •    When you are ordering your wedding cake, it makes sense to order various layers of different flavors. It makes the cake look interesting and at the same time it saves money.
•    Fix your hair and makeup specialists before hand. Have your facial done a week before the D day, if you are afraid that you might have rashes. If you need accessories for your hair, it is more practical to buy them yourself instead of leaving it to the stylist. It is better to try out the make up and hairstyle before hand so that you are not in for any kind of surprises.
•    Choose your caterer carefully. While selecting the menu, keep in mind guests of all age and genre. You cannot have only veg food and vice versa. Decide on what drinks you want to serve.
•    Choose a photographer who will give you your negatives. That way, you can get as many copies as you want. Make a checklist of all the items that need to be taken care of. This way, there will be no last minute rush.
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Money saving tips at your wedding

A wedding involves a huge amount of expenditure. Here are some tips that will help you save some money. •    If you decide to get married in the off season months of January, February, March and November, then you will be able to save a lot of money.
•    If you want to wear a designer dress but your budget does not allow it, then you can think about renting. You can also opt out of having a detailed dress to save money.
•    You can buy your white shoes in summer when they are on the shelf. Later on, you will have to buy them from bridal shops where they will cost a bombshell.
•    You can choose silk flowers as fresh flowers can be expensive. Also you can preserve silk flowers as compared to fresh flowers.
•    You can check the dollar store for small items like candles and candle stands, vases and others.
•    To make your invitations more personalized, you can design them yourselves. It looks good and also saves a lot of money. There are various ways you can plan your wedding in your predefined budget. You will just have to do meticulous planning.
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Making a Engagement announcement

Engagement announcements let people know that you are getting married to the person you love. There are many ways to let people know that you are engaged. You can design your own engagement announcements to add that personal touch. The web offers a variety of ideas. Or you can also select online printers who will help you choose nice looking engagement announcement. The online store offer a lot of help and advice on how a good engagement announcement should look like. They will guide you on the shape, color and other aesthetics. They will help you personalize your announcement. If you or your fiancé has children from any previous marriage, then it is nice to include their photo. This way, they will feel a part of the celebration. This way, you will bond with them better. Get them involved.
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Rehearsal Dinners

The rehearsal dinner should take place sometime after the wedding rehearsal. It is a great time for the entire family and friends to come together. The rehearsal dinner is usually hosted by the parents of the groom. The host needs to be actively involved in planning the dinner. The guest list must include all the near and dear ones of the couple. You will need to decide the date, time and venue. You must send out the invitations and ask for a reply. This way, you will have a rough idea about the number of guests. Once you have an estimate of the number of people coming, you will be able plan your budget better. For the catering, you need to include a wide variety of tastes. You must include a proper mix of foods. You can also decide to serve give the gifts to the wedding party. You can raise a toast to everyone and thank them for being there with you. The atmosphere needs to be relaxing and fun filled. Make sure it is not too formal event. This is an event that is held to relax every one at the party. Make sure no one is missed in the invitation list.
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Wedding Memories

Wedding is considered to be one of the most special events of any one’s life. It is something to be cherished and treasured. Not all of us have the luxury of hiring a wedding planner. We are the ones who are doing all the planning and arrangements. We have to keep every intricate details in mind – starting form the invitations to the venue to the menu to the dress and makeup. On the special day too you are too busy to get everything organized. You are also very nervous and want everything to happen glitch free. And as a result, you do not remember anything good about the day. The entire day is filled with tension. This is where you need to have a wedding guestbook to capture special thoughts. You can later glance through it and know who all attended the wedding and what they felt about the entire thing. You can document their feelings and blessings. These little things will give you pleasure even after years later. You will feel good about the positive comments that will be written. You will actually feel satisfied that all your hard work has paid off.
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Plan an Affordable wedding

You need not have an extravagant wedding at all. If you feel that you cannot spend a fortune on your weddings then do not be disheartened. You can have a great wedding on a tight budget too. You just need to plan properly. First you will have to choose a suitable venue based on your invitees. No point booking a huge venue when you have only a handful of guests. You can also hold the reception in a friend’s backyard for a nominal amount if the weather permits. This way, you can have full access to the kitchen, tables, chairs, sitting area and restrooms without having to pay extra. You can decorate the place yourselves. You will just need to buy some decorative stuff. This will definitely be less than having a professional do it. You can create your own centerpiece and flower and candle decorations at a minimal cost. You need not spend too much on food too. You can actually arrange a potluck dinner. Your relatives and friends can get one dish per family and it will result in a fabulous meal. You can ask your mom to bake the cake. This way, you will not need to spend a huge amount on food and also have a personal touch.
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Beat Wedding Blues

It is natural for all of us to be a bit nervous before our wedding. But that does not give you any license to call off the wedding or run away from it. Planning a wedding can be really stressful at times. But that does not mean that you are stressed about the marriage. Learn to distinguish both kinds of stresses. You might have petty grievances with your partner about how disorganized he is or how casual his outlook towards life is. But that is not a reason for you to call off your wedding. It is important that both of you talk to each other and resolve any petty grievances you have. The transition from in a wedding brings with it mixed feelings. It brings uncertainty as well as excitement. There is no reason for you to be scared of these feelings and run. This is a natural phase in all our lives. Enjoy it to the hilt. If you have any doubt in your mind regarding anything, it is better to clarify now instead of arriving at the altar with reservations. If you feel that you are not too sure to go ahead with the wedding, then postpone the wedding instead of cancelling it outright.
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