A Cathedral Veil for Style and Drama
Cathedral Veil
Your veil length is probably not the first thing you consider when you’re picking out the perfect wedding gown. Though the salon may supply you with a “sample veil” as you try on dress after dress (to feel the full effect of your wedding “look”), they won’t usually whip out a cathedral veil for your viewing pleasure. The right cathedral veil, however, could be just the touch you need for your complete wedding outfit. A cathedral veil lends a dramatic look to your gown and many sweep the floor for a royal touch as you walk down the aisle.

Cathedral veils don’t have to be expensive and ridiculous, either. The right cathedral veil is very reasonable and lends just the right amount of class to any wedding. You might think to limit your use of a cathedral veil to indoor weddings, however, as no one likes dirt and grass stains on their white wedding gear. So if you’re having an outdoor wedding, leave the
cathedral veil for those with a taste for polished wood flooring.
There are ways to pin and protect a
cathedral veil after your walk down the aisle – make sure to ask your hair stylist to show you tips for securing and pinning it without her supervision.