Many couples are now opting to replace the traditional unity ceremonies of wedding's past (such as the drinking of wine or joining of roses) for a more visually striking and long-lasting unity ceremony alternative: unity sand.
When you order a unity sand kit, you usually need to purchase the unity sand separately. This is so you have the option to stick with neutral sand colors (browns, tans), or venture out a bit and find fun colors that suit you best (usually ones which match your wedding color scheme!). Your unity sand will be sitting as a focal point of your joined home, so make sure to take your decision seriously! If you're thinking about heading to the beach to scoop up some unity sand for your ceremony, remember the symbolism of the day. The point of the ceremony is to mix two different shades together to create something that can not be separated. If your unity sand is all the same color, the symbolism might not work the same way.
Your unity sand choices can be expanded depending on what sort of family you're joining together. Couples who are blending their households together and already have children should consider incorporating other colors and including their offspring in the ceremony too. No matter how many members you're blending into one household, the many colors and styles of unity sand will help symbolize the joining of a family.