Mark the Day with Colorful Unity Sand
Colorful Unity Sand

Many couples are now opting to replace the traditional unity ceremonies of wedding's past (such as the drinking of wine or joining of roses) for a more visually striking and long-lasting unity ceremony alternative: unity sand. Colorful unity sand (as a replacement for more muted tones) allows for guests (and future visitors to your home) to see the striking and stark joining of two individuals in the symbolically-significant medium of unity sand. Use colorful unity sand for an obvious and beautiful symbol of your everlasting union. The joining of two (or more, if you want to symbolize the union of a larger family) distinct colors of sand symbolizes individuals that can never be separated; those who are joined in the bonds of marriage and family. Colorful unity sand is perfect for couples or families looking to mark their union with a long-lasting centerpiece to their home. The best part about
colorful unity sand is its versatility. You can match your colorful unity sand to the colors of your wedding day for an added touch of elegance, or you can synch your
colorful unity sand with the palate of your home. Colorful unity sand can be combined, mixed, and stored in a visually-striking and symbolically-significant way throughout the days of your union. Just like your relationship, colorful unity sand is built to last!