Blog / wedding emergency kit

Why Wedding Emergency Kits are a Necessity

Like the miniemergency kit, this kit has over 20 items specifically selected to prepare for wedding day mishaps. What was that scout's motto? Always be prepared!  
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A Wedding Must-Have: The Maid of Honor Emergency Kit

A Maid of Honor Emergency Kit as a Gift and Necessity

Maid of Honor Emergency Kit

A maid of honor emergency kit does not mean that you, the humble maid of honor, will be required to put out any literal fires or resuscitate a bride with a mighty case of the vapors, but it will prepare you for any other wedding-related emergencies on the big day. A maid of honor emergency kit is usually equipped with all of the wedding day essentials: safety pins, mouth wash, and (my personal favorite) earring backs. A maid of honor emergency kit will make it much easier for you to fly about the day-of putting out (metaphorical) fires and keeping everything and everyone in line.   If you are a bride looking for the right gift for your ever-present and ever-supportive maid of honor, look no further than the maid of honor emergency kit. A maid of honor emergency kit, though helpful on the day of the wedding, is great for any planner who loves to be prepared for anything. There are any number of things that can rip or fall apart or lose a button the morning of a wedding marathon, and a maid of honor emergency kit is a wonderful tool to have standing by. Designate someone to watch over the maid of honor emergency kit (minding that it doesn't have to be the maid of honor), and make sure you keep an eye on where it is throughout the day. You never know when you might pop a seam or need to prepare for a very special kiss - your maid of honor emergency kit will be ready to help!
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Why Wedding Emergency Kits?

There are so many big problems that can come up during a wedding - An hour-late officiant, drunken groomsmen, an MIA groom - that brides don’t usually think twice about the little stuff.
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