Celebrate your Love of Food with Culinary Wedding Favors
Culinary Wedding Favors

Are you and your future spouse foodies to the core? Express your love of cooking, food, and each other by distributing culinary wedding favors on your big day. While culinary wedding favors can just be little edible goodies (think jams, homemade chocolate treats, grandma’s cookies), you might consider culinary wedding favors that act as cooking/baking implements! Your guests will love the opportunity to actually use their favors instead of leaving them on the table or letting them collect dust on a nick-knack shelf. Consider the measuring spoon favors – they’re culinary wedding favors that combine a cute, romantic sentiment, practicality, and a love of food and cooking! No guest would want to leave that behind.

For the couple who’s more into eating than cooking, think about options such as salt and pepper shakers or mini honey pots for your culinary wedding favors. Even guests who have never made more than reservations can appreciate the good taste of these special treats!
Lay your culinary weddings favors out on place settings beforehand, or have them available on the table during dinner. Culinary wedding favors also make for great place card holders. Have your
culinary wedding favors waiting to escort your guests to their seats before the party even begins!