Blog / wedding advice

Tips on receiving your guests

It is always good to receive your guests on your wedding day. However, you must keep a tab on the time. Practically, you must give 30 minutes for every 100 people in the line. Once you are familiar with the basic idea of what a receiving line is all about, you will be able to handle it better. You can form the receiving line either in the vestibule right after the ceremony or at the entrance to the reception area. Once everybody in the line is in position, then you start receiving. Keep the greetings precise but sincere. If you find tome, it is always better to review the guest list before hand. You must introduce your relatives and friends to your spouse and vice versa. If the line is exceptionally long, then you can include some pleasant music to make the wait lively. You can also ask the waiter to serve hors d’oeuvres and champagne. Try and be as friendly as you can. If by chance you forget the name of any person or are having some problem pronouncing the name, it is better to stick to general comments not involving the name. You will not want to get embarrassed on your wedding day for sure.
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Beat Wedding Blues

It is natural for all of us to be a bit nervous before our wedding. But that does not give you any license to call off the wedding or run away from it. Planning a wedding can be really stressful at times. But that does not mean that you are stressed about the marriage. Learn to distinguish both kinds of stresses. You might have petty grievances with your partner about how disorganized he is or how casual his outlook towards life is. But that is not a reason for you to call off your wedding. It is important that both of you talk to each other and resolve any petty grievances you have. The transition from in a wedding brings with it mixed feelings. It brings uncertainty as well as excitement. There is no reason for you to be scared of these feelings and run. This is a natural phase in all our lives. Enjoy it to the hilt. If you have any doubt in your mind regarding anything, it is better to clarify now instead of arriving at the altar with reservations. If you feel that you are not too sure to go ahead with the wedding, then postpone the wedding instead of cancelling it outright.
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