Blog / mature wedding cake toppers

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Always the Right Occasion for a Mature Wedding Cake Topper

Gifting or Getting your Mature Wedding Cake Topper

Mature Wedding Cake Topper

Weddings aren't just for 20-somethings anymore. The mature couple about to enter into wedded bliss (or the couple looking to celebrate an anniversary or renew their wedding vows) will appreciate the sentiment and aesthetic of the mature wedding cake topper. A mature wedding cake topper represents the older couple in a manner more suited to their ages and interests, and usually shies away from the risqué (though who wouldn't love a 60-something love pinching the man she loves?). The mature wedding cake topper market has definitely expanded, and there's something for every style and aesthetic (look out for a same-sex mature wedding cake topper - they're gaining in popularity as well!). A mature wedding cake topper also makes a great gift for a couple you love who might be celebrating a wedding, anniversary, or vow renewal. A mature wedding cake topper is just the right accessory for decorating a home that is new or familiar to the happy couple. There's always room for a mature wedding cake topper.   Your mature wedding cake topper is a wonderful addition to a party space regardless of the occasion. Place it on top of a 12-tier sparkling marvel of modern pastry or just on the edge of a mantle already overflowing with nick-knacks. A mature wedding cake topper can find a home anywhere.
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