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Fun Recipes for your Bachelorette Martini Glasses

Enjoy Any Libation in Bachelorette Martini Glasses

Bachelorette Martini Glasses

  You don’t have to drink to enjoy bachelorette martini glasses at your bachelorette party. The glasses are merely a vessel for whatever floats your boat the night you want to celebrate your impending marriage with your closest girl friends. Whether you’re filling your bachelorette martini glasses with bourbon, cosmos, or root beer floats, bachelorette martini glasses are a festive way to add a little fun to whatever sort of party your girls want to throw for you. Here are a couple of pink alcoholic/non-alcoholic cocktails (to match your bachelorette martini glasses!) you might think about preparing for your big night out: Pink Panties   12 oz can frozen pink lemonade 12 oz gin ½ cup vanilla ice cream ½ cup strawberries 1 cup ice throw ingredients into a blender and you’ll have plenty to enjoy in all of your bachelorette martini glasses!   Lipstick Lemonade   5 oz pink lemonade 3 oz lemon lime soda Splash of cherry syrup   Throw in a few ice cubes and garnish with a lemon slice and maraschino cherry skewered on a bamboo pick for a refreshing and fun drink for your bachelorette martini glasses!
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