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The Purpose of Just Married Honeymoon Gear

Just Married Honeymoon Gear: Flaunt It!

Just Married Honeymoon Gear

Flaunting your new marital status is one of the little things that makes a honeymoon so fun. You'll only be newlyweds once, so why not relish in it? Just Married Honeymoon Gear - from license plate inserts (for the rental car) to tote bags to luggage tags - are a fun and simple way to celebrate in your marriage after you've walked down the aisle. From the beach to first class - there are a number of fun bits of just married honeymoon gear to keep you at the center of attention. It's amazing how many strangers will go out of their way to congratulate you (and how many glasses of wine and desserts will appear on-the-house) when you make just married honeymoon gear a travel necessity.   If you're thinking about getting the new couple in your life some just married honeymoon gear as a wedding or shower gift, think about their lifestyle and what they have already. They'll likely always appreciate a set of luggage tags or passport sleeves, but some more common or personal staples should probably be left to the couple themselves. Never ask a bride for her bikini size in the weeks leading up to the wedding - leave that bit of just married honeymoon gear to her!
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