Bridal Flip Flops
Don't torture your feet all night! Keep a stash of Bridal Flip Flops
When viewing the photos of your wedding months (or even years) from now, you're going to hope you looked your best - makeup, hair, dress, bridal party - everything should go the way you planned. But what about your poor, aching feet? Will pictures show every wince and grimace as you try to dance in your sky-high stilettos? Many brides kick off their shoes to hit the dance floor during their reception, but consider this more fashionable option:
Bridal flip flops.

Bridal flip flops aren't just for the beach; they can be packed as a secondary option for later in the evening when your puppies start barking. Heels look pretty in photographs, but nothing will replace your blissful face as you aren't trying to fight against your shoes all night. Bridal flip flops also allow you to dine and dance without sitting to "rest" every other minute.
Bridal flip flops don't have to end just with you - bridal flip flops are a great kindness to extend to your guests! Bridal flip flops can be provided as a wedding favor and stored in baskets by the dance floor. Your guests will appreciate
bridal flip flops as much as your tired feet!