Planning That Epic Bachelorette Party

Fun Bachelorette Party Ideas on a Budget (Plus a $100 Giveaway)

Step One: Decide Who is Planning it!

Traditionally it is the maid of honor's duty to plan that epic girls night, but if your maid of honor is your 16 year old sister, you might decide to pass the torch on to an older one of your bridesmaid besties. If you are the maid of honor, however, don't automatically assume all control over the night. Check first with the bride if she wants any control, or if she wants to be completely surprised.  You will also want to include the other bridesmaids and perhaps even the brides sisters in the planning, so that everyone can join in on the excitement and fun.  Step Two: Who to Invite There are two rules of thought when deciding who to invite to your bachelorette party.  You can be socially-correct or venue-correct. For example, if you are going clubbing and to a bar, you don't want to invite your kid sister or wall flower cousin, but if you are going for a clean fun bowling night, then by all means, invite every girl that you love to be around. Some people would suggest that the bachelorette party is meant solely for the brides good (similar in age) girlfriends and if you are looking for a crazy or legend-wait-for-it-ary night, then this would be the route to go. Don'y feel like you are excluding anyone either. The low key girly fun is meant for the bridal shower and that is the perfect place for your aunts, sisters, and that lady who use to baby sit you. Step Three: Choose the Venue This is where you really want to pay attention to your bride and her comfort levels. The most killer bachelorette parties will make your bride blush, but won't make her feel uncomfortable. It is a night to let loose, but not end up arrested for lewd behavior. So if you have a bride that loves to go dancing and or bar hopping, then do that to the extreme. If you have a more conservative bride, then maybe get faux male strippers. Meaning, get a comedic male friend or friends(groom approved) that wear several layers of clothing and will stripping down no farther than a pair of swim trunks (if that). This is a playful way to bring in some of those cliche bachelorete activities, but not upset your bride.   Step Four: Accessorize the Crapola out of your bide and party.  Why? Because dressing up is way more fun than not! This is the only night that your bride will have to be out on the town showing off her soon to be status. By decking her out in bride-to-be accessories and apparel you are setting her up to get all the special treatment she deserves. It is a fun way to pamper your bride and put her in the lime light! The best part is, is there are sooooo many different options!  Bride Jacket Black - Med. 1) Start her off with a jacket or t-shirt that labels her as Bride or as Mrs. New-name.  Bride to Be TiaraBachelorrette with a tiara 2) Give her a Tiara! She gets to be the princess (or queen) for the night, so give her something sparkly to say it! Bridal Entourage Bachelorette Sash & Veil Set 3) Throw in a sash and veil. This is a great addition for a more diva bride marking her the winner of that bride pageant.