The Best Marriage Advice You'll Ever Hear...

The Best Marriage Advice You'll Ever Hear...

Britt from Bachelor Engagement

The Best Marriage Advice You'll Ever Hear...

For today's blog, we decided to ask a question of as many people as we could possible connect with to hopefully give our brides easy access to what real brides, real couples, have found to be the truly best marriage advice they have ever heard.

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Earlier in the week, we shared on our Facebook page what some of us at have found to be the best advice, but we thought our brides and grooms deserved a much larger sample size! The thing is, a lot of relationship and marriage advice will end up contradicting itself. This is because every person and relationship is a little bit different (that and people love to spout cliches for the heck of it as they sign your guest book). So this list represents what we saw popping up the most and we quoted who we think really said it best! The top 10 advice from the thick of it: 

  1. "I just saw a video clip from Will Smith lately. He says that it is not our partners job to make us happy, it is our own responsibility. Once you remove the expectation of your partner to make you happy you can enjoy them for who they are." - Tiffany
  2. "Listen.. don’t just hear! " - Carin
  3. "You have to want to be kind more than you want to be right." -Heidi
  4. "As cliche as it sounds, it is definitely true! “Never go to bed angry”. My husband and I have been together 6 years, married for 2, and have a 9.5 month old. We do disagree sometimes and get in the bed angry, but we always talk it out and work it out right before we fall asleep. Definitely has helped us!" - Maria
  5. " 'Always fight naked because then your problems just won't seem that important anymore'. I always write this in couple's guest books when they want a little note. Someone wrote it in mind and it just stuck with me. It was kind of a joke, but when you think about it, it's kind of cool. When you are both hands down vulnerable with each other, it's a lot easy to get over being mad." - Kim
  6. "Don't ever stop dating and getting to know each other. People always talk about growing apart, but if you keep getting to know one another as you go through life, it's a lot easier to still know and love each other." - Debbie
  7. "Do the opposite of "It's better to ask for forgiveness, than permission". That line just doesn't work in a marriage" - Kevin
  8. "Limit money talk to small daily check ins. You've got to both know what's up and be on the same page, but leaving it till you've got problems or talking about it for hours is just going to create frustration." -Kayla
  9. "Play hooky. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the day to day things. Be sure to break it up and be spontaneous. Have some silly fun!" -Cheri
  10. "Say I love you in your spouses love language. Some people just need to hear, other's need gestures, and other's physical contact...whatever it is, figure out your spouses love language and say I love you every day" -Demi