Keeping Comfy Bridal Shoes On-Hand
Comfy Bridal Shoes
Not everyone spends their days in three-inch platforms, and most of us spend as little time in such shoes as possible. On your wedding day, however, many brides choose to bite the bullet and wear some seriously uncomfortable footwear in the name of bridal fashion. While they might look good in pictures, these less than comfy bridal shoes can really throw off your game for the rest of the night. While you should be thinking about your new spouse or the friends and family who traveled hundreds or thousands of miles to see you, all you can think about is throwing off those damn shoes. Our suggestion is to have an easily-accessible and stylish pair of comfy bridal shoes ready to go the second you finish with pictures. Comfy bridal shoes range from slip-ons to sandals, and they’re a much better alternative to a night of pain and regret. Start looking now for the right pair of
comfy bridal shoes. These should be shoes that work with your outfit, draw very little attention to themselves, and protect your tootsies from the perils of the dance floor. Some brides simply kick off their shoes as the night wears on, but we caution against that. Not only will your feet look a lot less gross with a good pair of comfy bridal shoes, you’re also more protected from the hazards of the bare ground. Get smart, and find a pair of
comfy bridal shoes that work for you!