Packing an Effective Wedding Survival Kit
Wedding Survival Kit

Your wedding is going to be a blur of vows, champagne, dancing, and familiars. The only moment when time will stop and panic will wash over you like so much old, new, borrowed, and blue? When a seam splits, or a vital bobby pin disappears, or you realize you left the house without deodorant. What’s your best bet to fight against the insanity? The simple answer is a wedding survival kit, and one or two of your nearest and dearest to guard it. Also, it never hurts to have more than one wedding survival kit. A wedding survival kit is a necessity not only for you, but also for your bridesmaids, your mother, your future mother in law, and, yes, your fiancé. A
wedding survival kit (if prepared meticulously enough ahead of time and with the knowledge and wisdom of many a reflective unprepared bride) can mean the difference between smooth nuptials and vows wrought with panic and anxiety.

So who carries the wedding survival kit? There is many a wedding survival kit made to be portable and fashionable. Most of them fit easily into purses, and some even look like clutches that can be carried around without additional packaging. Either carry it around yourself or find an organized bridesmaid to ready the safety pins and mini toothbrushes within. There’s no such thing as an overburdened wedding survival kit.