Wedding cake

When you go to order your wedding cake, the first thing that you need to consider is to decide on the number of guests. Then you set the budget that you would want to spend on the cake. Once you have decided how much you want to spend for the cake, you can decide on the size of the cake. You can decide the tiers that you would want to have and the flavor. There are various flavor options. You can decide to decorate the cake with marzipan or cream frosting. You can also add real flowers and ribbons. Most bakers will customize the cake for you. So let your imagination run. It is a good idea to ask your friends and relatives for referrals. You may have visited a wedding where you liked the cake. You can easily call up the bride and ask for the contacts of the baker. Once you zero in on the baker, ask him to prove samples and pictures for the cake. It takes time to bake the cake. Do you need to order it well before hand if you do not wish to have a rushed job.