How Many Sparklers Do I Need?

How Many Sparklers Do I Need?

Having a glittering wedding send-off has become a viral trend these days, and modern couples love it. Once you have decided on a sparkler wedding exit, the next question you should be asking is how many sparklers will I need? It is an important calculation, and you need an answer, so you don’t fall short. Luckily, we have the answer below. 

Calculate the Number of Guests

Firstly, you need to know how many guests will attend your wedding or, more precisely, how many of them will hold a sparkler. Exclude children because it is not safe for them.

Determine Their Usage

Secondly, determine how you plan to use the sparklers. Do you only need them for the glamorous exit, or do you also want to light them on your entrance? Other uses include holding them during the dance and photo session. In short, your activity plan will significantly determine the number of wedding sparklers you need to buy.

Decide The Sparklers’ Size

The burning time of sparklers depends on their size. The bigger the sparkler, the longer it burns. They are usually available in three different sizes including 10, 20 and 36-inches long strands.

Consider these factors and calculate accordingly. It is best to purchase some additional sparklers in case some don’t work on the day. 

How Many Sparklers Would You Need For 100 Guests?

Say you have 100 guests attending your wedding, and each person will be holding a wedding sparkler either at the couple’s send-off or the dance. The number of sparklers you will need is dependent on their size. For example, a 20’’ sparkler burns for around a minute and a half, and you will need 200 per 100 guests. On the other hand, a 36’’ sparkler burns for more than 4 minutes, and one is enough for each guest.

If you use smaller ones of 10’’, you will need 3 for each guest as they only burn for a minute. You can always adjust this number as you see fit. It’s important to remember that typically, 10-15% of guests leave before the ceremony ends, so 100 wedding sparklers are enough for the wedding exit when 100 guests are invited.

Ready to order sparklers for a dazzling wedding reception? Check out our high-quality collection that burns brighter and longer!