Getting Started on Wedding Gift Thank You Cards

Don’t put off writing wedding gift thank you cards

Wedding gift thank you cards

  There are very few brides who look forward to writing wedding gift thank you cards. Wedding gift thank you cards are a pain, they cause unpleasant hand cramping, and remembering which gift your aunt’s second cousin got you can be tedious. The truth is, you can’t skip it. Wedding gift thank you cards are expected and appreciated by your guests, and the longer you put it off, the harder they will become. But following these few tips about wedding gift thank you cards can make the experience much more pleasant:
  1. 1. Get started on your wedding gift thank you cards early. If you receive a gift, write and address the card, and set it away to send later (keep your wedding gift thank you cards together in a shoebox so you won’t lose them!)
  2. 2. Wait no longer than a few weeks after your honeymoon to send out your wedding gift thank you cards. Forgetting would be tragic, and most guests will only think about how long ago your wedding was if you send them too late.
  3. 3. Keep a log of things you receive as you’re opening gifts – that will make writing wedding gift thank you cards later much easier!