Unique Wedding Gift Ideas

One traditional gift for the bride is the wedding handkerchief. This is a gift that is appropriate from a family member or a friend who is extremely close to the family and more particularly the bride. This can be a particularly sweet gift from the father of the bride. The handkerchief in the image above comes with a sweet poem card, a lucky penny, and a blue ribbon; All of which are meant to help tell the bride just how happy you are for her and to wish the happy couple the best. Other handkerchiefs can be embroidered with sweet sentiments or customized with the names of the bride and groom, the date of the wedding, or perhaps their favorite scripture.
Help the Couple Make their House(or apartment) a Home
A sweet, and less intimate gift, is customized home decor. Be it a painting, print, or embroidered pillow, a bride always appreciates something nice for her home that represents her love with her groom. A popular trend is home-state decor. These come in a variety of shapes, but are designed to have the home state of the bride and the groom brought together or the state they are beginning their home in printed on the canvas, blanket, or pillow.
Every newlywed appreciates kitchenware items to build their home, but if you are going the kitchenware route, take it one step farther and make it unique for your blushing bride. Monogramming everything you own may be a trend of the past, but monogramming wedding gifts to symbolize the union of two families, is a trend happening right now. If you know the bride and groom have a taste for whine, then why not give the gift of a personalized whine decanter or whine glasses? Or if your Bride is often a hostess or you know she has a particularly sweet sweet-tooth then a personalized dessert bowl would be a perfect gift.