A Dog Wedding Bandana: Class and Comfort
Dog Wedding Bandana

Employing your fur baby as a part of the wedding festivities has been growing rapidly in popularity lately. More venues are becoming dog friendly, and guests aren’t so shocked to see Fifi marching the rings down the aisle. If you’re looking to make your dog a part of your wedding day, but he isn’t so hot about this whole “putting on a suit” thing, consider dressing your canine in a classy dog wedding bandana. A dog wedding bandana isn’t as much of a hassle for a dog who isn’t interested in being dressed up, and they’re about as comfortable as your average collar. A dog wedding bandana shouldn’t be too hard to find in your wedding colors, and they’re a lot harder to mess up than more formal attire.

A nice variation on the dog wedding bandana is a starched doggie collar. The collars look like the fringe of a button-up shirt and class up your pooch without putting them out. A more formal pointed collar is also nice for the gentleman dog who doesn’t want to look out of place at a fancy venue.
When you’ve found the right
dog wedding bandana for you, make sure that you give it a good trial run before the big day. Let your puppy trot around the house in it before you try to go the whole day wearing it (practically) unattended. The last thing you need on your wedding day is the stress that your dog will be eating his
dog wedding bandana more often than he’s wearing it.