What Reception Tables Do I Need?

What Reception Tables Do I Need?

Every wedding is typically split between two things: the actual wedding and the reception. Before you get dizzy with the details of planning the wedding ceremony and dinner reception of your dreams, don’t forget to consider the basics! Like, what tables do you actually need for your reception? Many wedding venues have the tables you’ll need. If your venue does not provide rentals like tables, chairs, and linens, or you would like more options, you'll need to hire a rental company about six months prior to the big day. There's actually a lot of things to consider when ordering tables. You’ll want to coordinate with your vendors, like the florist and caterers, to plan the tables you’ll need.reception tables

What are the most important reception tables at a wedding?:

The Guestbook Table:

As your guests arrive you’ll need a table for the guestbook for your loved ones to sign in and pick up their escort card. This is an important table as it helps with the organization of the event and creates a keepsake.

The Gift Table:

A table for all the generous gifts from your friends and family.

The Memory Table:

Not everyone has this one, but adding this as one of your reception tables is a beautiful way for everyone to cherish their loved ones who have passed away.

The Head Table:

The head table is where you and your spouse and potentially immediate family members or the bridal party will sit.

The Guest Table:

You will have many of these. The guest tables are where your friends and family will sit and enjoy dinner and the reception program.

The Food Table:

Make sure you plan enough space for the food table. This is where all your guests will be able to pick up their food.

The Drink Table:

Alcohol or not, you’ll still want to set up a bar table for people to order their drinks. If you are having a cocktail hour, you’ll also need to order some cocktail tables!

The Cake Table:

Often the centerpiece of the reception, you’ll need a small table for the cake and desserts.

The DJ Table:

Coordinate with your DJ or musicians to determine the best setup. This isn't necessarily one of the reception tables you'll use for ambiance, but you also don't need a cheesy prom set up either.