Choosing wedding vendors
For a wedding, you will need to hire vendors for wedding caterer, favor and baker. Some people feel that it is difficult to get suitable vendors.
But you must give it your best shot as a single bad vendor can ruin your special day. There are many professionals in the industry. With a little effort and time you are sure to get a good vendor for your wedding. Ask around. Your friends or relatives may be able to give you some references. Word of mouth reviews help a lot. So keep your ears open.
There are bridal shows that have a lot of vendors at one place. You can collect their brochures and contacts for future references. Later you can review it and decide on which vendor to choose. The wedding venue you choose will have a list of their own vendors. You can choose one from them. Your local bridal magazines may carry a lot of information on local vendors. You can go though the advertisements and also ask around for feedback. It is better to shortlist more number of vendors and then choose the one that suits you the best.