Apps Every Couple Needs to Survive the Wedding

Apps Every Couple Needs to Survive the Wedding

Though there are many apps aimed at brides who are frantically searching for some organizational tool to make their lives easier, it’s hard to weed out the one-trick ponies from the actually useful. The right Apps, be it for iPhone, Android, or otherwise, can really guide you along during the planning and design process on your march toward the altar, but how will you know what to look for before you know what’s out there for the frazzled couple looking for a break? Instead of googling “Wedding apps”, try these (completely free!):  

The WedHappy App
If you want the end-all be-all “wedding organizer” app, make it WedHappy. This simple organizational App keeps your tasks organized, suggests frequently-used wedding tasks you may still need to complete, sets up a general timeline for wedding duties (updated to your calendar, complete with customizable timely reminders), and rounds it all out with a satisfying pie chart of completion that will keep you focused without making you feel overwhelmed. The free version of WedHappy never overloads you with useless novelty crap, and I’m sure most brides will be very thankful for that. The best part is that WedHappy allows you to link up vendors with contacts from your phone to keep everything just a little more organized. I could do away with the “achievements” you unlock when you complete a certain number of tasks, but it doesn’t get in the way enough to be noticeable. The RedLaser App
Most brides know about the apps provided by some retailers for registry building (think Bed, Bath, and Beyond or Pottery Barn), but RedLaser is different, as it remains unaffiliated. It can not only scan bar codes and give you product information, it also compares prices to nearby retailers and any available online deals, working to find you the best price. It logs away previously viewed items, provides UPC info, and even shares a varied assortment of online reviews. While this is an all-around helpful tool, it’s particularly awesome for brides looking to save money any way she can during the wedding planning process. When you’re unfamiliar with the world of the products you’re buying, knowledge is power. This app also reads QR codes, if the rest wasn’t enough to sell you.  

Color ID
Originally a tool for the color blind or artists looking for a bit of inspiration, Color ID allows you to point and click at any color nearby with your device’s camera. Just focus the shot on the color you like, and it identifies the industry standard color for you. Snap a photo and the image, along with the identifying color, is stored away with the rest of your photos. Artists like this App for inspiration; it serves the same purpose for brides.
This is a great App to use when you’re starting your hunt for color palettes. Log accessories or other items that inspire you and save the colors for building the aesthetic for your big day!

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