Finding and Fitting Dog Bow Ties
Dog Bow Ties

If you’re looking forward to a beautiful wedding ceremony with your one-and-only and man’s best friend, but you’re not 100% sure if your pooch could sit through the whole affair without tearing apart his best duds, think about finding something that attaches to your doggie’s collar and is out of a jaw’s reach. Dog bow ties are cute and inexpensive, and they aren’t wedding-specific. Unlike a doggie tux or “ring dog” specific wear, dog bow ties can be whipped out again and again for any special occasion your puppy might be invited to. Dog bow ties also hold with them the benefit of being out of reach. If your dog likes pulling apart chew toys or shoes or furniture, he probably isn’t going to be kinder to his outfits.
If you’re purchasing dog bow ties as a gift, or you aren’t used to dressing your doggie, make sure that all of your measurements are accurate before you order. Do you know what counts as a “medium” sized dog? “Extra small?”
Dog bow ties are as flexible as they are adorable, but a “medium” will fall right off of your rat terrier as he’s walking down the aisle. Do your research and try on the gear before you order your all-purpose
dog bow ties!